Emergency Green Juice
Emergency Green Juice With the change of seasons seems to come the annual fall cold. When you’re anticipating cold season, it’s important to be proactive and take action to knock out any symptoms. Every ingredient in this juice is an immune booster and extremely nourishing to your body. Emergency Green Juice was designed specifically to keep you healthy all season long. The best part about this juice is that it’s delicious- think of it as a ginger lemonade!
  1. Add ingredients one by one into a juicer, makes about 32 oz.
Recipe Notes

Kale is considered to be one of the most nutritious vegetables out there, with extremely powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. In particular it contains sulfur phytonutrients called sulforaphanes which are a potent cancer fighter. Kale contains high doses of vitamins A, E, and K, and is packed with over 45 antioxidants! It also helps support the body’s detoxification process which is essential to keep your immune system healthy.

Celery is not only extremely alkalizing, but also packed full of additional health benefits. Celery juice lowers blood pressure, treats cholesterol, contains anti-cancer compounds, hydrates and balances the body’s pH, can be used as a diuretic, is an anti-inflammatory, and can even help treat insomnia. In Chinese medicine celery is known to improve digestion and purify the blood.

Apples are perfect to add to juice because not only do they add sweetness, but deliver a lot of nutritional value as well. They are packed full of antioxidants and help with the body’s detoxification process. They also contain a substance called malic acid, that helps maintain liver function and improves digestion. In Chinese medicine apples are used to clear away heat in the body and help protect the lungs.

Lemon is something everyone should consume every day. It is extremely alkalizing and contains loads of vitamin C. There is nothing better than a good dose of vitamin C to boost your immunity. Lemon has antiviral, antiseptic, and antimicrobial properties.

Ginger, in Chinese medicine, is used as an herb to treat colds specifically. Its warm nature increases perspiration and helps you to sweat out a cold and detoxify. It also happens to be great for nausea and is an anti-inflammatory. Ginger improves digestion, is a natural painkiller, and helps fight infections.